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Mushrooms growing out of a substrate block.

Mushroom Growing Supplies

Are you ready to jump into the magical world of mycology? Whether a beginner, or experienced we have the supplies you need to get you harvesting in no time. Lost Boys Mushrooms put together a collection of supplies, from mushroom growing bags, to substrate, and more. The best part you will be growing in no time, without ordering in bulk. Focused on the individuals that are exploring this fascinating world.

Mushroom Cultivation Supplies

This All-In-One Bag has everything you need to grow your wood, and manure loving mushrooms. Fitted with a self-healing injection port, grains, and CVG Substrate (Coconut Coir, Gypsum, Vermiculite). Inoculate with your chosen mushroom culture, and watch it grow.

2 lb $20 or 5lb for $35.00

5lb bag of CVG mushroom growing substrate

This 5 lb CVG bag is a mixture of Coconut Coir, Vermiculite, and Gypsum, a perfect mushroom growing substrate for wood, and manure loving fungi. We use these quality ingredients in our mushroom farm, to grow our quality mushrooms.


100% Soy Hull Pellets 

These are hard to come by this clean, 100% Soy Hull Pellets just what you need for the perfect mushroom growing substrate. We have them in 2  options

Hardwood  Pellets

100% Hardwood Pellets for Substrate. Perfect to nourish the mycelium for optimal mushroom growth.

1/2 Pint Liquid Culture Solution Jar with Injection Port

This 1/2 pint jar comes with liquid culture solution, stir bar, and lid with self-healing injection port. Start making your own culture with this ready to go setup!

Sterile 10ml Syringe with 18 gauge Needle 

 Sterile 10ml Syringes with 18-gauge needles are perfect for all your inoculating needs.

Petri Dishes with Agar 10-Count

These high quality Sterile Petri dishes with Agar are perfect for any mycology project. 

Wide Mouth Ball Jar Lids with Injection port

These Wide Mouth Ball Jar Lids, come set up with everything you need to add to your own culture jar, including the self-healing injection port. 

Empty 1/2 Pint Ball Jar, with Injection Port Lid.

This half-pint jar is the only set up you need to make, and store your liquid culture. Comes with 1/2 pint empty jar, lid with injection port, and a stir bar. Get Growing!!

Regular Mouth 1/2 Pint Ball Jar Lid

Regular Mouth 1/2 Pint Ball Jar Lid with Injection port

Our Regular 1/2 pint Ball Jar Lids, equipped with the self healing injection port comes in 2 quantities.

101 E. Brainerd St., Ste C,

​Pensacola, Florida 32501



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